웹용 Chart 여러가지

웹용으로 사용할수 있는 차트들...
간단히 만들어 사용할수도 있겠지만, 귀차니즘 + 시간은.....^^

1. PHP용


Libchart is a free chart creation PHP library, that is easy to use.
Please have a look at the
tutorial or proceed to download.

Vertical bar chart sample Horizontal bar chart sample Pie chart sample

Latest News

Libchart 1.2 released! August 13th, 2007

This new version features multiple datasets for horizontal, vertical bar charts and line charts. The API got a facelift so be sure to check the examples so you don't miss anything. Also, the support for PHP4 was deprecated (as is PHP4).

View the changelog or download the new version.

Multiple line chart sample Multiple vertical bar chart sample Multiple horizontal bar chart sample


  • Bar charts (horizontal or vertical).
  • Line charts.
  • Pie charts.
  • Single or multiple data sets.
  • Compatibility with PHP 5.
  • Easy to study how it works and adapt to your needs.
  • No external dependency, need only PHP compiled with GD and FreeType (how to check?).


Libchart is a free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

2. JSP용

JFreeChart Samples

This page contains examples of the charts that can be produced using JFreeChart. If you'd prefer to see a live demo, please try our JFreeChart Demo (web start).

PieChartDemo1-254.png PieChart3DDemo1-254.png PriceVolumeDemo1-254.png PopulationChartDemo1-254.png DifferenceChartDemo2-254.png DualAxisDemo1-254.png ScatterPlotDemo1-254.png XYBarChartDemo1-254.png HistogramDemo1-254.png DeviationRendererDemo2-254.png XYSplineRendererDemo1a_254.png DialPlotDemo2a_254.png

3. 이도 저도 아니고 이미지처럼 링크해서 쓰려면
- Google Chart API

- Yahoo

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